Going through the process of establishing the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer is worrying for any patient – and their family. Declan Cahill’s surgical practice is rooted in a multi-disciplinary environment of highly experienced and caring doctors providing optimal management for their patients. Mr Cahill provided excellent pre-operative advice and preparation for surgery. During my in-patient stay and post-operative recovery, I felt that I was safe in the hands of a skilled and dedicated surgeon. He went the ‘extra mile’ to keep myself and family informed throughout. Three years post-treatment, Mr Cahill retains a watching brief and is always there for any queries. A very personal service. Thank you.
I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2013 and monitoring for the following three years demonstrated the disease was advancing. I sought and consulted the highly regarded surgeon Declan Cahill who clearly explained the choices of managing and treating.
As I have experienced serious cancer very many years previously, with long spells of chemotherapy, radiation and a consequential inability to remain actively working and enjoying life, I elected to have a radical prostatectomy. I had reservations about the downside, loss of bladder control and undermining intimacy but my priority was survival and longevity in maximum health to continue to be very active in our family business and enjoy family life.
The surgery was successful, my bladder control is good, my prostate cancer is behind me and intimacy is adequate.
My lifestyle is busy and very often hectic, involving travelling and long hours so it was very important to me to have a choice which was minimally inconvenient with the maximum chance of a permanent cure. Radical prostatectomy was the only way for me.
It is my opinion that any man facing these choices has to balance the whole picture and no doubt age, work, lifestyle, responsibilities to oneself, one’s family and one’s business associates and clients has to be taken into account.
Thanks to Declan Cahill and his team I am able to look forward to continuing with all of these without the worry of prostate cancer haunting me.
Selecting a surgeon to perform your radical prostatectomy is a daunting choice. Mr Cahill is a world-class urologist, who specialises in this procedure. He has unrivalled experience, backed up by exemplary data. You can afford to put your trust in him and the team. I did.
Having undergone over a period of several years many fluctuating and anxiety provoking PSA measurements, MRI scans on different machines that gave inconsistent findings and biopsies that ultimately missed areas of cancer, and having been offered a plethora of localised prostate cancer treatments of unproven curative potential, I wish that I had pursued robotic radical prostatectomy in the remarkably skilled hands of Mr Cahill sooner. He inspired great confidence that surgery would be straightforward, offer the highest possible chance of cure, and that issues with continence and erectile function at my age (60) were unlikely. He was correct, and very kind and supportive along the way!
My recovery from a radical prostatectomy has been more rapid than I expected and this can only be due to the fact that Declan is an outstanding surgeon. What has really impressed me is that he totally ‘owns’ the consultant-patient relationship. Throughout my treatment, he has always been there for me. He has consistently demonstrated a genuine interest in me and my progress which has been both reassuring and motivating for me. He has been absolutely committed to providing the best possible outcome for me whatever it takes and has constantly reviewed the options available with me as treatment has progressed. Despite the fact that he is inevitably very busy, he has followed up promptly and diligently, whilst retaining the knowledge about me and my condition and proactively engaging with me to check how I am doing. He also has a great sense of humour and an outstanding team supporting him. I continue to be hugely impressed by his all-round skill and attentiveness and cannot recommend him highly enough.
After two biopsies during the second half of 2016, it was confirmed on December 23rd that I had prostate cancer. Not ideal timing for Christmas, but the holiday period that followed allowed me time to research my condition and to understand the three options that I had been given for treatment. I met with a number of consultants during the early weeks of January and in the end I opted for radical prostatectomy over brachytherapy, mainly as I felt that this treatment would give me a better peace of mind with the prostate being removed entirely.
Once this decision was made, I met with two consultants who specialise in radical prostatectomy and from the outset it was clear to both myself and my wife that Declan Cahill was the man for the job. Declan puts you at ease from the minute you meet him with his straightforward, matter-of-fact style. He explains the treatment in detail and clearly points out the positive and negative impacts of the procedure in a way that is easy to understand. On the evening before my operation, Declan called to make sure I was OK with what was to follow the next day and he also came to meet me just prior to the operation and explained once again what I should expect.
The operation was fairly straightforward and I remained at The Royal Marsden for two days, looked after by their wonderful staff and I even managed a quick walk across the road to the pub for a nice glass of red wine! Since the operation, Declan has been in touch on numerous occasions and he is always available for advice at any time no matter the subject.
My recovery has been rapid and painless. I was dry from day one after having the catheter removed, back at work within three weeks and eight weeks after the operation I walked 126 miles on the Scottish West Highland Way – including climbing up Ben Nevis on the final day. Ten weeks after my operation, my PSA levels are now undetectable and whilst Declan wants to keep me under his care for the coming 12 months, I feel fantastic and have no regrets about the route I took for my treatment or indeed trusting such a wonderful man as Declan Cahill.
Thank you Declan for all you have done for me and my family – I will always be grateful to you and your team.