I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2013 and monitoring for the following three years demonstrated the disease was advancing. I sought and consulted the highly regarded surgeon Declan Cahill who clearly explained the choices of managing and treating.
As I have experienced serious cancer very many years previously, with long spells of chemotherapy, radiation and a consequential inability to remain actively working and enjoying life, I elected to have a radical prostatectomy. I had reservations about the downside, loss of bladder control and undermining intimacy but my priority was survival and longevity in maximum health to continue to be very active in our family business and enjoy family life.
The surgery was successful, my bladder control is good, my prostate cancer is behind me and intimacy is adequate.
My lifestyle is busy and very often hectic, involving travelling and long hours so it was very important to me to have a choice which was minimally inconvenient with the maximum chance of a permanent cure. Radical prostatectomy was the only way for me.
It is my opinion that any man facing these choices has to balance the whole picture and no doubt age, work, lifestyle, responsibilities to oneself, one’s family and one’s business associates and clients has to be taken into account.
Thanks to Declan Cahill and his team I am able to look forward to continuing with all of these without the worry of prostate cancer haunting me.